Saturday, March 13, 2010

Purple Rain

When I was in Guatemala it was the rainy season. It would rain everyday at around 2pm- a torrential downpour that would flood the streets. It was like the heavens opened up and poured buckets of water down- for about 20 minutes- and then it would stop. Like a dam in the sky had slammed shut. The gutters would be full and people would be drenched. But then in an hours time under the hot sun things would dry up.

It's raining like that in New York city. Only we're into day 2. Accompanied by gale force winds that rattle cars as they're driving. I walked 6 blocks to the gym today and my pants were soaked from the sideways rain.

I suppose this is what it's like in Hurricane territory. But I kind of love the weather extremes, because I'm fortunate enough to still have power, not drive a car, and be able to stay in my cozy, sturdy, little apartment.

If anything it's the perfect excuse to stay home and read or watch movies. So maybe I don't want it to stop. I'd like it to stay until Monday morning. Then please clear up so that I can walk to work wearing my purple hunter rainboots and splash in the puddles like I'm 6.

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