Saturday, July 05, 2008

Moving (but just down the hall)

I moved into this condo just over a year ago, with my friend Paul (who I had worked with at the GAP in Calgary years earlier). Though I have always objected to condo living based on the charmless and presonality-free nature of the mass produced buildings... on principal (I LOVED living on Aberdeen with my yard and neighbours and little juliette balconey) - I have loved living here. Yes there is nothing in the neighbourhood... but we are close to the water, close to the island, close to running/biking paths and there is a roof top patio with a swimming pool. Now I've down a 180 and am talking about buying this place...
But for now I am just moving down the hall. My roomie Paul is moving out and I've got a new roommate- Wendy. Coincidentally we ALSO worked at the GAP in Calgary all those years ago. She's been patiently living in our living room the last 6 weeks, while we've been patiently living around her for those same 6 weeks. It's been a bit trying- but we're now on day zero: with Paul officially moving out today.
We are going to paint the place in neutral/girl colours, and I will have an official closet, and we can finally put up a clock in the kitchen!
It's a big change, and I will MISS Paul (xo) but ... I have had 26 roommates in my life... I've done this before... and I look forward to the new adventures to come (and to getting RID of the green colours currently covering the walls!)

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